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#R2bP... two Nelson Mandela University Forestry students, Collen Baloi (Southern African Regional Representatives) of the International Forestry student Association (IFSA), and Entle Kwababa, chairperson of the Nelson Mandela University Forestry Association (NMUFA) attended the International Forestry Student Symposium (IFSS) 2019 which was recently held in Estonia. 

The annual International Forestry Students Symposium (IFSS) was hosted in Estonia during the month of July to August this year, and was attended by over a hundred students from 40 different countries across the globe. Throughout the Symposium, the students travelled around different regions of Estonia obtaining a global perspective of all the forestry and cultural practices, developments and traditions of the visited country.

“The Symposium furthermore served as a tool to introduce delegates to a wide range of research centres and forestry companies”. Several state-of-the-art presentations were made by researchers and environmental entities and delegates also participated in various workshops to develop personal and professional skills. In an IFSA multicultural meeting, all the participants briefly presented the state of the forestry industry in their respective countries, framed by the different regional traditions.

“We are very thankful to the wonderful opportunity that we were given to attend the symposium, as we know that the knowledge and experience we have gained during this trip cannot be taken from us. It also provided us with a valuable insight into Forestry as a field of study”